THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHHer Doctrine and MoralsThirteenth Sunday after Pentecost4 September 2022 |
The SundaySermon
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Dear Friends in Christ,
Saint Augustine says: "They may, mystically, be understood as lepers who, having no knowledge of the True Faith, profess various false doctrines. For these do not hide their ignorance, but proclaim it as the highest learning, and leprosy is a blemish of color. true and false doctrines, therefore, mingled without order in a man's argument or discussion, and showing like colors on a human body, resemble leprosy which spots and blemishes human bodies with patches of true and false color."
The physical healing of the lepers was made subject to the judgment of the priests (the Church). Usually, Jesus healed both body and soul directly rather than send them to the priests. If we accept Saint Augustine's mystical interpretation, then we must see that heresy is to be examined by the Church. The priests (the Church) must call up the true or healthy teachings (doctrines) and compare leprous heresies to them. And then a judgment is made of the soundness of the teaching.
The priests examining leprosy or heresy are not making personal or whimsical judgments; instead, they objectively compare what is known to be healthy or authentic with the unknown or doubted health or teaching. Truth is not a personal preference or subjective whim. Those who desire to make truth their personal servants are not fit to be judges of anything.
Truth has nothing to do with emotions, desires, fashions, or whims. Truth is about conformity to God's Will His plan and desire. Human ideas opposing God's are like leprosy bringing forth disease, decay, and death.
There are many and various forms of spiritual leprosy in our world today. Some proclaim a doctrine of multiple sexes or trans-sex. Any honest observer can call up the teachings God has given us and correctly judge that these modern teachings of "science" or society are leprous, diseased, and deadly. Healthy is comingled with diseased the truth is comingled with falsities and lies.
Again, we have a type of leprosy presented as a woman's right to choose to kill her baby. The heresy often proposes that the baby is not human; he or she is simply a mass of tissue, tumor, or parasite. The Truth is found in God's words: "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you…" (Jeremiah 1:4-5). The "you" that God knew and consecrated was not tissue, tumors, or something else, but "you," a living human being made in the image and likeness of God. It was not a tumor or parasite that God formed in your mother's womb, but "you!" The world's demonically deceptive words cannot change truth and reality.
The current leprosy of heresy is destroying us. It is time for us to wake up and call upon Jesus to heal us and humbly present ourselves to the true Church and Her true doctrines so that the false and unhealthy things may be eliminated, and we may once again be declared healthy.
What many claim to be the teachings and practices of today's "Catholic" Church are not in conformity with the previous truths and practices God gave us through the Holy Catholic Church. Material truth must be objective, and so must spiritual truth. Things are only true when they conform to God, Who is Truth Itself. When errors and falsehoods are intermixed with the Truths God has given us, it is a leprous disease attacking the body and soul.
If the Councils of the Catholic Church were genuine, then they are still valid. The decrees of the Council of Trent cannot become false simply because our society does not like them or considers them outdated or unfashionable. A true Council cannot contradict or undo what a previous true Council has proclaimed. A true bishop cannot hold to or teach anything that undermines or contradicts the known truths that have been consistently held and taught by our Holy Mother, the Church.
It is a confusing world in which we live where evil is called good, and that which is true and good is now labeled as evil or outdated. This is not only happening in words but also in the actions of many all around us. Nor are these diseases found infecting only the poor or unlearned. These infections have taken hold of people from all walks of life, from the ordinary layman to the alleged "papacy." From ignorant children even to the heads of various university and college departments. From the ordinary citizen to the highest positions of government.
Now is the time to open our eyes to these diseases of our souls and call upon Jesus to be healed so that we may separate ourselves from the sicknesses and never return to them. Then, let us return to Jesus with thanksgiving and praise so that we may be saved. Rather than fight and argue against God, His Church, and His teaching, we should thank Him for them.
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